Designed to be portable and easy to move around, the Time Timer 3 is great for those who need to keep track of time in a variety of locations. Whether you?re a parent trying to add structure to tasks during the day or a therapist working in different locations, this little timer can go anywhere you want to go. Particularly good for those children who need visual representation of the time remaining for multiple activities throughout the day, from time remaining before you need to leave in the morning, to duration of after school activities.
Time Timer 3? features:
Patented red disk that disappears as time elapses
No ticking, no distractions, no setup required
Optional audible signal when time is up
Protective cover the flips over to provide a stand
Manage time and reduce stress of activity or task transitions
Ease anxiety of ending activities as children are able to see at a glance how much time is left
Keep tasks on schedule
Coordinate practice time and game breaks
Ages 3+