The Aspire Rehab RX manual wheelchair is geared towards the high needs, rehabilitation environment.
With extensive adjustability and breathable, contoured pressure care surfaces, the Rehab RX is designed for the user with more complex needs.
Features include:
Support surfaces - multi-layer foam construction with castellated top layer for enhanced comfort, pressure redistribution and durability. Breathable PU multi-stretch cover for improved pressure redistribution and skin microclimate management
Backrest - gentle lumbar build up for postural support. Moderate lateral supports for assisted midline sitting
Cushion - integrated positioning skeleton for enhanced sitting posture. Fabric tensioners provide a smooth support surface. Gentle abductor and adductor contouring provide improved postural support
Increased support - the easy-to-adjust, supportive headrest offers superior head support, while the gently contoured backrest facilitates posture and positioning
Articulating elevating legrests - mirrors the anatomical range of movement at the knee joint, ensuring thighs do not elevate as legs are raised. This facilitates better postural support and maximises the skin contact area for pressure redistribution
Highly adjustable - the wide array of adjustable features fulfil many clinical requirements and are geared for comfort and support.
High level complex rehab solution - Tilt-In-Space (TIS) functionality promotes increased comfort and improved positioning. It also allows body weight redistribution to help alleviate pressure areas
Easy to clean - wipe clean surfaces ensure infection control compliance
Customisable comfort - the ability to be customised with after-market backrests and cushions, ensuring a flexible solution for the user